I have a multitude of sounds. Most are shippy but there are others too.
- Indicates that I find the wav
shippy. :)
Mulder: "Scully?"
Scully: "Yeah"
Mulder: "Marry me."
Mulder: "I was once told that the best way to regenerate body heat
was to crawl naked into a sleeping bag that is already naked."
Scully: "Well maybe if it rains sleeping bags you'll get lucky."
Mulder: "you could be in trouble for just sitting in this car, and I hate to see
you carry official reprimand in your file because of me."
Scully: "Fox..."
Mulder: "I even made my parents call me Mulder."
Scully: "Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone but you."
Mulder: "If there is an ice tea in that bag, could be love"
Scully: "Must be fate Mulder.... Root beer"
Mulder: "Ooooohhhh..."
Scully: "You are delirious, go home and get some sleep."
Mulder: "Scully..."
Scully: "Yes?"
Mulder: "I love You."
Scully: "I don't understand how you can believe what they say is
remotely plausible."
Mulder: "I think it is remotely plausible that someone might think you are hot."
Scully: "Now we all have a natural instinct to propagate."
Mulder: "Do we."
(Dreamland II)
Mulder: "If I shoot him would is that murder or suicide?"
Scully: "Neither, if I do it first."
Mulder: "How's the wedding"
Scully: "You mean the part where the groom passed out or the dog
bit the drummer?"
Mulder: "Did you catch the bouquet?"
Scully: :::coyishly::::: "Maybe?"
Mulder: "He said it happened before the abduction, so what if they had sex?"
Scully: "So we know that is wasn't an alien that probed her."
(Humbug Blooper)
Pinhead guy: Did you know that the Chinese art of
sucking your balls up to your ass..
GA: ::::::laughs::::::::
DD: "I'm doing that as we speak."
Scully: "Did you check your email lately?"
Mulder: "No, why?"
(Two Fathers)
Mulder: "Hey Home Girl, word up?"
Scully: "Mulder it's my distinct impression that you just cheated
and that you aren't coming in again today."
Mulder: "No Scully, I got game."
Scully: "Yeah you got so much game I'm wondering if you have any work
left in you."
Mulder: "I'm ready to J-O-B, just not on some jagoff shoeshine tip."
Scully: "No jagoff shoeshine tip?"
Mulder: "No background checking jagoff shoeshine tip."
Scully: "About your J-O-B Mulder, somebody has been trying very hard
to reach you by phone, somebody who wants you back at the bureau
Mulder: "About what?"
Scully: "About an X-File."
Mulder: "How big can these things get?"
Scully: "Mulder..... I..... Sorry felt like old times there for a sec."
Scully: "Hey Hang on a minute..."
Mulder: " Jesus that leaves us three hours, three days of video tape to figure out
who this Mother F***** is."
Scully: "That is assuming we are looking for a Mother F*****."
Scully: "This needs to be set, you're in pain."
Mulder: "If you keep pulling it around like that."
GA: "Mulder..."
DD: "What?"
GA: "Suck my dick"
Mulder: "You don't suppose she's a virgin, do you?"
Scully: "I doubt she's even a blonde."
GA: "Have you ever had dealings with a cow?"
DD: "Exactly what are you implying, Agent Scully?"
Scully: "You ready?"
Mulder: "Lets get it on, Honey."
Scully: "All right then."
Mulder: "Isn't that right honey bunch?"
Scully: "That's right poopyhead."